
這幾天小光來我家玩,看到[東京直購] OMRON SB-072-5P (HT-B307 B305 B306 適用) 音波式電動牙刷 替換刷頭 10入組 覺得很好用也想買一個

急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買[東京直購] OMRON SB-072-5P (HT-B307 B305 B306 適用) 音波式電動牙刷 替換刷頭 10入組 ,懶惰的我當然是直接上網幫他下訂單啦~



[東京直購] OMRON SB-072-5P (HT-B307 B305 B306 適用) 音波式電動牙刷 替換刷頭 10入組 用過之後感覺真的很不賴!大力推薦!!!
























[東京直購] OMRON SB-072-5P (HT-B307 B305 B306 適用) 音波式電動牙刷 替換刷頭 10入組 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




吃快餐住低檔酒店 教女有方

美國共和黨總統候選人川普 (Donald Trump) 的競選政綱引起激烈爭議,而他的財產和家庭也同樣倍受關注。川普自詡白手興家,也不會避談個人財富問題,甚至炫耀一番,但他擅於利用民粹議題,且熱愛快餐,表現「草根」,反而獲不少基層支持,被形容為「藍領億萬富翁」。

香港《文匯報》綜合外媒報導,上屆總統大選的共和黨候選人羅姆尼 (Mitt Romney),因坐擁 2.5 億美元身家,結果成為他的競選包袱,遭民主黨批評不知民間疾苦,成為他大選失利原因之一。4 年後,較羅姆尼更富有的川普成為總統候選人。他常搭裝潢奢華的私人飛機到美國各地拉票,有時在露天機庫發表演說,他的私人飛機會在支持者面前降落。但其作風不但沒令人抗拒,反而支持者日眾,視他為「美國夢」代表。

川普在平民餐廳用餐,打造親民形象。 圖片來源:香港文匯報川普處處表現「貼地」,熱愛吃快餐,團隊不時在微博 twitter 分享圖片,顯示川普在私人飛機上享用麥當勞「巨無霸」,競選期間入住並非高檔的 Holiday Inn Express 酒店。他在屬平民區的紐約皇后區長大,年少時曾於父親旗下建築地盤工作,旗下物業也不時聘請基層工人,種種因素令他與藍領階層聯繫更緊密,更易爭取藍領支持。民主黨則把川普描繪成「踩着小市民上位致富」的「離地億萬富豪」。

除了身家豐厚,川普還有過三段婚姻。他的第一任妻子伊萬娜是捷克裔美國滑雪運動員,退役後擔任模特兒,並幫手打理川普蒸蒸日上的房地產生意,夫婦共育有 3 名子女,包括大女伊萬卡。這段婚姻維持 12 年,1991 年伊萬娜因川普有外遇而提出離婚。川普 1993 年再婚,伴侶是美國演員梅普爾斯,這段婚姻維持至 1999 年告終,原因是川普搭上斯洛文尼亞裔超模梅拉妮亞 (Melania Trump)。2005 年,川普與梅拉妮亞成婚。

川普女兒伊凡卡 (Ivanka) (圖:AFP)《紐約時報》分析指,川普堅持的傳統價值觀是「老派的妻子」和「現代化、職業化的女兒」。川普選擇戀人的標準非常傳統,梅拉妮亞強調自己的角色首先是一位母親,她明言和丈夫知道各自的分工,「我不希望他去換尿布或者照顧巴倫 (小兒子) 睡覺」;川普也不諱言「我不會做什麼照顧孩子的事」。相反,女兒伊凡卡 (Ivanka) 是典型的事業型女性,堅強、獨立、受過良好教育,在父親的公司平步青雲,在競選宣傳中比母親曝光更多。川普曾說:「我為伊凡卡而驕傲,她是個很優秀的人,是一位充滿奉獻精神的母親和傑出的企業家。」


梅拉妮亞 (Melania Trump) (圖:AFP)川普若入主白宮,比他年輕 24 歲的嫩妻、來自斯洛文尼亞的梅拉妮亞,便會成為繼第六任總統亞當斯妻子路易莎之後,歷來第二位非美國出生的第一夫人。45 歲的梅拉妮亞出生於斯洛文尼亞,17 歲開始擔任模特兒,精通 5 國語言,1996 年遷到紐約居住,兩年後在一場派對中與川普邂逅,當時她只得 28 歲。兩人於 2005 年結婚,她亦成為川普第三任妻子,同時還是川普 4 個子女的繼母。



破產要挾銀行借 5 億 吹噓「談判大師」

川普作為超級富豪,不少人對他的致富之道極感興趣。他在 1997 年出版的《東山再起──投資界的不死鳥》(Trump:The Art of the Comeback) 一書中,憶述自己 1990 年陷入破產邊緣,曾要求 72 間他欠債的銀行修改借貸條款,甚至要求寬免部分債務,讓他渡過難關。川普在書中吹噓,在那段「黑暗歲月」,展示出「適應能力、優秀談判技能及精明頭腦」。當年與他交手的 6 名銀行代表卻有另一版本,質疑川普自我美化。

川普在書中稱,他「洞悉」房地產即將陷入衰退後,隨即要求銀行進行債務重組,「那可能是我最精明的決定」,指「如果我多等 6 個月再與銀行重新商討,我可能失去一切」。

川普又稱,與 72 間銀行的代表談判期間,要挾假如對方拒絕提供 6500 萬美元,他便會宣佈破產,「把你們這些傢伙綑綁」。他又寫道,「那些銀行屈服了,他們熱切地同意我的計劃」,把自己吹噓為談判大師及經濟危機生還者。

6 名銀行家及律師憶述,向川普提供緊急援助,是為了僅此一檔銀行而非川普利益。當年代表花旗銀行參與談判的律師波梅蘭茨形容,川普拖欠超過 70 間銀行約 40 億美元,其中 8 億透過個人資產抵押,地產界並不視川普為主要發展商,而只是一位名人,質疑他自我美化。

香港覓資 拒戰純官「百萬高球賽」

《福布斯》專欄作家克利福德指出,川普 1990 年代初曾到香港尋找富豪投資者,為他陷入財政困難的紐約曼哈頓區投資項目籌集資金,最後選定新世界集團。據稱當時新世界集團掌舵人鄭家純邀請川普打高爾夫球比賽,每洞 100 萬美元。川普當場拒絕,並指他到香港是為尋找資金,而非損失金錢。

新世界集團等投資者後來與川普達成協議,向後者提供 3 億美元貸款,川普因此渡過難關。這協議也被視為亞洲大型發展商有意踏足美國物業市場。

意想不到的是,新世界集團逾 10 年後以 18 億美元售出該項目,成為紐約史上最大型的住宅物業交易。川普因此控告新世界集團賤價出售物業及涉嫌逃稅。《紐約時報》揶揄川普出於「酸葡萄」心態才入稟控告。


口轟中國手揸人仔 名下樓盤吸華資

川普大樓 (圖:AFP)川普在選戰中多次批評中國,不過彭博社發現,紐澤西州澤西市一幢名為「川普海灣大街」(Trump Bay Street) 的豪宅大樓,透過華府一個投資簽證計劃吸引大量外國資金,籌集得 5000 萬美元,佔總投資約 1/4,相信絕大部分來自中國投資者。

住宅樓高 50 層,主要為出租形式,距離紐約市中心只有 5 分鐘車程,由川普女婿庫什納的公司發展。為吸引中國資金,受僱尋找投資者的公司「美國移民基金」,早前更推出有中文字幕的宣傳片。

「美國移民基金」以投資簽證計劃「EB-5」作推廣,外國投資者只需在美投資 50 萬美元或以上,便可獲 2 年期的特快審批簽證,最快 16 日批核,並有機會獲取永久居留權。2014 年,當局共發出 1 萬多個此類簽證,其中 85% 發給中國的申請人。

有支持者指 EB-5 計劃可不費美國納稅人一分一毫而創造就業,不過國會議員及國土安全部憂慮它危害國家安全,亦有聲音認為這相當於向沒有特殊技能的外國人出售簽證。

川普旗下主要物業 (部分,港元計)


個人擁有:24.4 萬平方呎

總值:約 37 億

資產淨值:約 29 億,較去年減少約 12 億

美洲大道 1290 號

個人擁有:30% 業權

總值:約 179 億

資產淨值:約 32 億,較去年減少約 5 億

華爾街 40 號

個人擁有:持有地面租約至 2059 年

總值:約 39 億

資產淨值:約 27 億,較去年減少約 2 億


川普擁有:50% 業權

總值:約 12 億

資產淨值:約 5 億,較去年減少約 2 億

美國 10 個高球場

總值:約 17 億

資產淨值:約 16 億,較去年減少約 6 億

舊金山市加利福尼亞街 555 號

川普擁有:30% 業權

建築價值:約 128 億

資產淨值:約 25 億,較去年增加約 2 億


川普擁有:100% 業權

總值:約 21 億

資產淨值:約 13 億,較去年增加約 2 億


總值:約 12 億

資產淨值:同上,較去年減少約 4 億


總值:約 13 億

資產淨值:約 9 億,較去年減少約 3 億


個人擁有:49564 平方呎住宅面積;27467 平方呎零售面積

總值:約 15 億

資產淨值:約 14 億,較去年減少約 2 億




路透社報導,小熊今天以5比0撲倒洛杉磯道奇,71年來首度拿下國家聯盟冠軍,將進軍世界大賽。身穿小熊藍球衣的數千球迷興高采烈步出小熊主場瑞格利球場(Wrigley Field)後,芝加哥北區(North Side)搖身一變成為街頭派對場地。

長期被稱為「可愛的輸家」(lovable losers)的小熊,現在著眼更難到手的大獎,那就是為球隊拿下睽違超過1個世紀的世界大賽冠軍,以終結這項職業運動史上最長的冠軍荒。

小熊今天從道奇王牌投手克蕭(Clayton Kershaw)手上贏得勝利,讓球迷鬆了口氣。但隨著世界大賽腳步接近,球隊過去慘不忍睹的歷史紀錄卻也讓球迷的興奮打了折扣。

來自芝加哥西郊的42歲球迷瓊斯(Ryan Jones)跟兩個兒子在瑞格利球場外慶祝遲來的勝利。他拭去眼角淚水說:「為了這一刻,我等了一輩子。真希望老爸還在,能夠親眼看到。但讓人感到如此驚嘆之外,小熊還得為贏得勝利付出更多。」

猶如波士頓紅襪1920年將傳奇強打貝比魯斯(BabeRuth)賣到紐約洋基後難以擺脫的「貝比魯斯魔咒」(Curse of the Bambino)一樣,小熊也有「山羊魔咒」(Curse of the Billy Goat)。

小熊球迷塞尼斯(Billy Sianis)在1945年帶著寵物山羊進觀眾席,味道讓其他球迷受不了,而被趕出瑞格利球場。據說他於是憤而詛咒小熊自此無緣奪冠。小熊當年輸給底特律老虎後,就不曾再打入世界大賽。

不過,小熊仍有許多死忠球迷,包括不少大咖粉絲,例如喜劇演員比爾墨瑞(Bill Murray)、搖滾樂團「珍珠果醬」(Pearl Jam)主唱艾迪維達(EddieVedder)、好萊塢演員約翰庫薩克(John Cusack)等。但出身芝加哥的美國總統歐巴馬,則是同市對手白襪隊球迷。

芝加哥市長易曼紐(Rahm Emanuel)說,今天的勝利「好得令人難以置信」。他聲明說:「芝加哥各地,以及橫跨全球數代小熊迷,從非常年輕到老到不行的,今晚都在歡慶。理當如此,因為我們正見證發生在眼前的歷史。」

小熊總教練梅登(Joe Maddon)今天說,球隊正期盼著25日在俄亥俄州克里夫蘭開打的世界大賽。他說:「再打4場,然後我們就可真的開趴了。」中央社(翻譯)

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If you don't like baseball, watch baseball, or know what baseball is, know this — the 2016 World Series is different.?

When the Cleveland Indians host the Chicago Cubs in a best-of-seven series

... 較多If you don't like baseball, watch baseball, or know what baseball is, know this — the 2016 World Series is different.?

When the Cleveland Indians host the Chicago Cubs in a best-of-seven series beginning Tuesday night, we won't just witness another run-of-the-mill Fall Classic. This year's matchup is steeped in history, characterized by decades of suffering, and features two teams who know a whole lot about losing.?

By the end of this World Series, one city will hoist the championship trophy for the first time in a very, very, long time.?

SEE ALSO: The dark side of a feel-good World Series

The Cubs haven't won a World Series since 1908, the longest championship drought in North American professional sports. They haven't even been to a World Series since 1945.?

Chicago's franchise is supposedly cursed, and the years of bad luck and losing seasons prove it.?

But a revamped front office and minor-league farm system have turned the Cubs from lovable losers to a national powerhouse. They showed up at Spring Training with the best odds of winning the World Series and led baseball with 103 wins during the regular season. ?

It's easy to root for this year's Cubs, until you remember who's in the other corner.

Image: Jamie Squire/Getty Images

The Indians haven't won a World Series since 1948, the second longest championship drought in baseball. Cleveland stumbled through the 1970s and '80s, failing to make the postseason every season in a 24-year span. Its last World Series appearances — both losses, of course — came in 1995 and 1997.?

The history of this World Series is huge, and each team's drought will be hyped constantly. But there's more to this matchup.

So, if you're just tuning in, here are our five biggest storylines to watch during the 112th World Series.?

1. Battle of the bullpens

The Cubs and Indians have one very specific thing in common —?in July, they both picked up two of the best relief pitchers in baseball, courtesy of the New York Yankees. The Indians, who traded for Andrew Miller, and the Cubs, who traded for Aroldis Chapman, understood the value of a shut-down bullpen in the postseason, and made sure to stock up on elite relievers.?

Andrew Miller has been unbeatable.

Image: Elsa/Getty Images

The results have been undeniable.?

Miller struck out 21 batters in 11.2 scoreless postseason innings for the Indians, earning MVP honors in the American League Championship Series. He's at the helm of a monster bullpen with a 1.67 ERA in the playoffs.?

Cleveland's strategy this postseason is simple —?get an early lead and let the bullpen save it.?

Though the Cubs' bullpen might not have the flashiest postseason numbers this year — a 3.53 ERA and a couple blown saves — it still features Chapman, who fires 100-mph fastballs right by hitters on a regular basis.?

Image: mlb

Keep an eye on the bullpen. This series could hinge on the guys emerging from it.?

2. The fountain of youth

You can bet Fox announcers will constantly tout the young talent of both World Series teams, particularly Chicago.?

The average age of the Cubs infield — featuring All-Star Addison Russell, NLCS co-MVP Javier Baez, 2015 Rookie of the Year Kris Bryant and MVP candidate Anthony Rizzo — is 24 years old.?

Russell and Baez are only 22 and 23, respectively. They epitomize the Cubs' philosophy of developing young superstars and complimenting them with big-budget free agent signings.?

Clearly, that model has worked.?

Javier Baez was the Cubs' co-MVP of the NLCS.

Image: mlb

The Indians have shallower pockets, and couldn't afford to take the powerhouse approach. Instead, Cleveland relies on contributions from more frugal pick-ups like Rajai Davis and Mike Napoli.?

They still boast a solid young core that features All-Star shortstop Francisco Lindor (22), José Ramirez (24) and rookie Tyler Naquin (25). Rookie starting pitcher Ryan Merritt (24) made only one major league start before helping the Indians clinch a World Series berth last week.?

For a World Series soaked in historical context, this Fall Classic belongs to the kids.?

3. It starts with starting pitching

With all eyes on the bullpen, starting pitching could be the Cubs' not-so -secret weapon.?

Chicago boasts a deep starting rotation that led the majors with a 2.96 ERA during the regular season. Between Jon Lester — who's posted a 0.86 ERA in three postseason games — Jake Arrieta and Kyle Hendricks, the Cubs are set.?

The Indians had a brilliant starting rotation of their own at one point this season, but lost two of their talented arms to injury. There are murmurs of one of them returning, but more on that later.

Aside from Game 1 starter and former Cy Young Award winner Corey Kluber, the Indians have relied on good — but not elite — starting pitchers who turn in gutsy performances.?

Corey Kluber won 18 games in 2016.

Image: Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Josh Tomlin is largely untested. Trevor Bauer bled himself off the mound last week. Ryan Merritt has two major league starts to his name.

Still, the Indians starting rotation has an impressive 1.86 ERA this postseason.

But don't let the numbers fool you. Chicago has an edge here.?

4. Comeback kids

This World Series will feature elite relief pitching, the best of the best. Games will surely come down to the late innings.

But here's something to chew on.?

This postseason, the Cubs have scored 17 runs in the seventh inning or later, the best of any team. They've thrived on comeback wins, and never seem to go down quietly.

Image: Jamie Squire/Getty Images

How many have the Indians scored in the seventh or later?


Cleveland appears incapable of putting runs on the board with their backs against the wall. Their game plan, as mentioned, is to get an early lead and turn things over to the bullpen.

That might not work against a team like the Cubs.?

Chicago's bullpen is beatable, but it's still formidable in the late innings, a time when the Indians' bats seem to be incredibly weak.?

5. Reviving the dead

Chicago won more than 100 games without Kyle Schwarber, one of the Cub's elite young superstars. Schwarber hit five postseason home runs last year, but tore his ACL just two games into this season.?

Now, there's talk he might be back.?

Since coming off the disabled list on Saturday, Schwarber has been getting back into playing shape in the Arizona Fall League (AFL). Depending on his performance in an AFL game Monday night, the Cubs could activate him for a designated hitter role in the World Series on Tuesday.?

There's sure to be rust, but if Schwarber performs anything like the player he was in 2015, he could be a difference-maker.?

For Cleveland, it's looking like starting pitcher Danny Salazar will return as well.

The All-Star right-hander, who struck out more than 10 batters per nine innings during the regular season, has been sidelined with a forearm strain since Sept. 9. It's unclear whether or not Salazar will start, considering the long layover, but he would bring stability to a starting rotation that desperately needs it.?

Both teams aren't taking any chances. They want their best lineups on the field.

Image: Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

This World Series figures to be epic, not only because of the historical context, but because of how each team's strengths counter the other's. Chicago's bats are scary, but Cleveland's pitching is hot. The Indians' bullpen is ferocious, but the Cubs know how to score late.?

Regardless, one of these long-suffering franchises will see relief soon. A historic championship drought will be quenched with a champagne shower.?

The loser? Well, they're already used to losing, and can wait just a little longer.?


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